We build custom web based database management systems or also called administration tools. The database system of our choice is MySQL. This system is commonly used throughout the world and is known to be reliable and scalable. Together with PHP and a webserver, virtually any data can be managed for tiny and enterprise businesses.

What can be managed by database systems?

  • Properties
  • Housekeeping
  • Transport
  • Inventory
  • Timetables
  • Stock management
  • Financial activities
  • Tax declarations
  • Customer Support 
  • Calendar
  • Foods
  • Guestlists
  • Car rental
  • Construction
  • Delivery
  • Shipments
  • Import
  • Export
  • Contacts
  • Mailing lists
  • Team Projects
  • Shipments
  • Appointments
  • and so much more...

Database Backups

Sometimes the question comes up "What will you do if your data is lost somehow?". Some will answer "No... it is never going to happen to me". Well you will wish you have made regular backups once it really happens. If data is lost, commonly it is lost forever! If you implement a backup process that backs up your data on a daily basis, the damage is reduced to one single day.

Database Replication

Data replication is the weapon of your choice when you need a constant failover solution. Replication means having two databases. Data is stored to database A, mirrored to database B and retrieved from database B. If database B (the selecting database) falls somehow due to power shortage, without noticing the system falls bach to database A. This process also increases server performance since the more intensive task of selecting is undocked from the inserting, updating and deleting tasks.

Profit from your data

Databases are very useful for analysing. Some examples, a real estate company will be able to tell how many properties they have sold in a certain city by a certain office in a given period of time. Pizza deliveries are able to tell where they sell the most pizzas, where most pizzas are ordered from and how much sell on average thus average sales.

Detect data inconsistencies

Anyone is dependend on consistent, reliable and failsafe data. We take this very serious and use only the most proven and developed methods for creating solid database solutions.